Conference organizers
The Museum and Exhibition Centre for Technical and Technological Development of the Arctic Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute
Peter the Great Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography (the Kunstkamera)

PAO «Sovcomflot» / ZAO «SMM» / State Museum for the Arctic and Antarctic / St. Petersburg Committee for Arctic Affairs / Association «Maritime Heritage» / Museum-reserve «World Ocean Museum»/ Branch of museum-reserve «World Ocean Museum» in St. Petersburg - «Icebreaker Krassin»

XII scientific and practical conference

Polar Readings – 2024

The Northern Sea Route: History and future development

October 16–18, 2024

Outstanding researchers of the Arctic and Antarctic (based on the materials of the Presidential library Fund)

Parigina Darya Vladimirovna
Chief bibliographer of the user service department of Boris Yeltsin Presidential Library (Saint Petersburg)